John Riviello Client Engineer, Author, Speaker & Inventor

Nice to meet you!

John RivielloI'm John Riviello, a client engineer with over 26 years of web development experience


LinkedIn Learning Course:


Past Talks & Workshops

In addition to speaking, I've also mentored High School and College students, and taught TechGirlz classes on front-end web development.

Interested in having me speak? Please contact me!

Web Developer

I built my first website in 1996 and started working as web developer in 1997. I love building websites and helping other do the same as much now as I did then. My primary focus is Front-end Web Development (HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, JavaScript Testing & Web Components) and Web Performance.

Open Source projects I've authored


I am an inventor on 9 patents (4 original patents, and 5 continuation patents), and have 2 more patents pending.

Original Patents


How can I help you?

The best ways to get in touch with me are to either email me at john [at] johnriviello [dot] com, send me a tweet @JohnRiv on Twitter, or introduce yourself to me at a meetup or conference.

Note to recruiters: I'm happily employed as an Engineering Fellow at Comcast, which is a VP-level Individual Contributor role. I was the first front-end web developer to reach that level in a technology company of over 189,000 employees. I love my job because I get to work with amazing people on technologies I love while solving big problems to improve the web experiences for millions of users. My family I enjoy living outside of Philadelphia, not only for the family & friends we have nearby, but also for the close proximity to the ocean (and therefore, surfing). If you consider those factors, and have a remote-work-friendly opportunity that you feel is large enough to excite me, I'll certainly respect your effort to research me and reply to your request.

JohnRiv on the Web

Main Photo Credit: LeadDev