Nice to meet you!
In addition to speaking, I've also mentored High School and College students, and taught TechGirlz classes on front-end web development.
Interested in having me speak? Please contact me!
I built my first website in 1996 and started working as web developer in 1997. I love building websites and helping other do the same as much now as I did then. My primary focus is Front-end Web Development (HTML5, CSS3, Sass, JavaScript, JavaScript Testing & Web Components) and Web Performance.
I am an inventor on 9 patents (4 original patents, and 5 continuation patents), and have 2 more patents pending.
The best ways to get in touch with me are to either email me at john [at] johnriviello [dot] com, send me a tweet @JohnRiv on Twitter, or introduce yourself to me at a meetup or conference.
Note to recruiters: I'm happily employed as an Engineering Fellow at Comcast, which is a VP-level Individual Contributor role. I was the first front-end web developer to reach that level in a technology company of over 189,000 employees. I love my job because I get to work with amazing people on technologies I love while solving big problems to improve the web experiences for millions of users. My family I enjoy living outside of Philadelphia, not only for the family & friends we have nearby, but also for the close proximity to the ocean (and therefore, surfing). If you consider those factors, and have a remote-work-friendly opportunity that you feel is large enough to excite me, I'll certainly respect your effort to research me and reply to your request.
JohnRiv on the Web- John Riviello - LinkedIn
- John Riviello - Twitter
- John Riviello - Instagram
- John Riviello - GitHub
- John Riviello - Quora
- John Riviello - IFTTT Recipes
- John Riviello - Facebook (friends only)
Main Photo Credit: LeadDev